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I just want to say please support Charmaine by visiting her blog. I used to ocassionally post comments but started to get lazy and haven't been posting anything there lately, feel so bad about it :( I still do visit her blog everyday though, first to check out new updates and second to add hits :)

Congrats to Charmaine for ranking #8 on the Next TV Awards 2009. I'm really happy to say that she has been on the list for 8 consecutive years. Last year, I think she was ranked #5? Not really sure so I need to check back on this...Anyhow, I'm just glad she maintains a spot on the list, thanks to all fans!!! And Charmaine looks gorgeous at the presentation ceremony in red. She's beautiful in long curly hair.
I was looking over my picture collection and found some captures of Wu Chun & Ella in Hana Kimi. I must have taken these while watching the drama, might as well share them :) These I believe are from the short music video at the end.

comments on the couple: I won't deny that I enjoyed watching them. In fact, from the first few episodes, I thought they were going to make it to my short list of favorite couples. However, as much as I love the drama and like them as individuals, they didn't quite give me that sparked feeling like with HuGe and Ariel or Julian/Roger & Charmaine. I don't mind another collaboration from them though. They seem comfortable around each other, even more so in real life. A cute scene below:

Wu Chun confessed he liked Ella but is interrupted by the train passing by so Ella couldn't hear anything.

Oh, and Jiro, at the end got together with Ella's good friend, Julia. I kind of expected that the moment they jumped at each other to bicker. The poor guy was feeling very guilty after realizing he liked Julia; mainly because he felt as though he has betrayed Ella. He was in a devastating state and even called himself a monster for liking his friend's girlfriend (he thought Julia was Ella's girlfriend from America..)

Then he decided to suicide (by jumping down from the school's building) for being such a bad person...By the way, the guy who stood next to Wu Chun with the pink sweater over his shoulder is the head of the class/dorm. The actor's name as I found out is Danson Tang. I believe he is also a singer.

Ella to the rescue and cleared things out. Happy at last!


I am heading toward the end of the semester thus been extremely busy with midterms, projects and many other things in life. So sorry for haven't been able to update for so long, it has been a month since I last updated. Humm...nothing much to say except I want to update the website with some artworks from Drive of Life, enjoy! I also haven't had the time to watch series lately, just "Emergency Unit" (E.U). I actually finished the series during my 3 days weekend because it was quite a good series with a captivating plot.I might give a short review on this series some time in the future, perhaps when I'm on summer break, several more weeks to go! I'll also have a new layout up then.

I just want to make a quick update since I have some times during open period at school. Initially I didn't have anything to put on this update as I was too busy to watch any series or make any artworks. Then I spotted a manipulation which I did for who knows how long ago and thought I'd shared it.

By the way, I ran into some problems with youtube lately. Even though I rarely use my youtube account, I still have a lot of fan-made MVs of Charmaine. So a few days ago, I checked my email and been notified that youtube has taken down some of my videos due to video infringement. I feel quite sad because a few of my fanmade MVs were gone and I'm not even sure if I still have the original files on hands. I put a lot of efforts into making and uploading these videos, it is such a shame to see them gone just like that :(